
Another Strong Set of Year 11 Results

Waingels is very pleased to report another strong set of GCSE results again this year – maintaining and improving on our exceptional performance from previous years. Overall, Year 11 students at Waingels achieved above national average of a Strong Pass of Grade 5 across all of their subjects. Core subjects accomplished some impressive results including more students achieving a Grade 5+ in both English and in Maths. Therefore, significantly positively impacting the life chances of students and their ability to study courses of their choice at our Sixth Form and beyond. Once again, Waingels has also achieved very strong results at the top end with almost a quarter of students achieving Grades 7-9.

We are incredibly proud of the Class of 2024 and the young, well-rounded adults that they have become. They thoroughly deserve the grades they have achieved and this is thanks to their hard work, resilience and dedication.

There are so many exceptional achievements, and each student warrants a mention of their own personal narrative. However, we have chosen the following which exemplify the quality and calibre of the class of 2024:

Abigail E – x10 9s

Will - x5 9s, x2 8s, x3 7s

Isabel - x4 9s, x2 8s, x4 7s

Hayley - x4 9s, x4 8s, x3 7s

Abigail S - x2 9s, x4 8s, x4 7s

Jasmine - x2 9s, x3 8s, x3 7s

Meva - x3 9s, x4 8s, x4 7s

Spencer - x3 9s, x3 8s, x3 7s, x1 6

Elliot - x1 9-8, x1 9, x3 8s, x2 7s, x1 6


Headteacher, Mrs Humber said, “We are delighted with the examination results that our Year 11 students have achieved this summer. It was a privilege this morning to celebrate with them and their parent/carers – to see so many happy students proud of their achievements and all of the hard work that they put into achieving these fantastic outcomes. I am also delighted that the majority of students have chosen to stay and study at our Sixth Form or their chosen next steps. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our Governors, Parent/Carers and the community for their ongoing support, recognising the strong partnership we have which supports students to reach their full potential.”


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