Inclusion & Intervention
‘Every Child Needs a Champion’ – Inclusion & Intervention Team Vision
Twitter: @WaingelsSEND
Staff at Waingels are committed to supporting an inclusive education for all, built around mutual respect and kindness for every member of our school community. As such, staff at Waingels are always prepared to give additional help and guidance for those who need that little bit extra in order to succeed. We provide enhanced support for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and for those who have particular Gifts and Talents. Our Inclusion and Intervention Team work closely with students, parents/carers, teachers and outside agencies to ensure that all students are able to fully participate and make the most of every opportunity that is presented to them. The Inclusion and Intervention Team’s vision is that every pupil should be a responsible and positive learner who is resilient to change.
Waingels is proud to offer students ‘The Den’ which hosts a range of specialist provisions including a Learning Zone, Nurture Zone, Chill Zone (sensor room), Wellbeing Zone and Medical Zone. The Wellbeing Zone hosts our full time School Counselling provision which is always available to support and guide our students. We strongly believe that alongside educational excellence, it is necessary to equip every student with the skills needed to achieve the most out of life and to thrive academically, socially and emotionally.