Head Team

With all of the student and staff votes collected, a close look at their applications and campaigns, and rigorous but enjoyable interviews, we are very pleased to introduce you to the new Waingels Head Team for 2024-25. The new Head Team will be led by Head Students Isabel and Kingsley supported by our Values representatives Oliver, Artemis, Glory, Esah and our Equality & Belonging Rep: Jasmine, Wellbeing Rep: Lisa and Eco Rep: Mark. 

Throughout the whole process, the new Head Team really have become a ‘team’, supporting each other through the process, and demonstrating the skills required to lead Waingels School Council. 

Contact Us: schoolcouncil@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk


Isabel: Head Student

Hi, I'm Isabel and I'm absolutely overjoyed to become one of your Head Students here at Waingels. I hope to work closely with teachers and provide a voice for all students in order to ensure the school experience is the best it can possibly be.

Kingsley V2

Kingsley: Head Student

Hi, I'm Kingsley and I am delighted to take on the role as one of your Head Students. I am excited to see what this role brings and looking forward to making Waingels the best community it can be for everyone.


Artemis: Deputy Head Student- Pride Representative

Hi everyone, I’m Artemis and I’m representing our value of Pride. I’m looking forward to working alongside students, teachers and our Head Team to make a positive contribution to our school.


Oliver: Deputy Head Student- Responsibility Representative

Hi, I’m Oliver and I represent Responsibility as part of the Head Team. I’m really looking forward to working with everyone within the community, allowing for their voices to be heard to make change at Waingels.


Glory: Team Leader- Kindness Representative

Hi, My name is Glory and I am beyond grateful that I get to be a part of the Waingels Head Team as a Kindness representative. I am looking forward to working with students as well as staff, to come up with new ideas and projects that we can work on implementing in our school. 

Esah V2

Esah: Team Leader Respect Representative

Hi I'm Esah and I will be representing Respect in the Head Team, I look forward to working with students and teachers to further enhance the school and community.


Lisa: Wellbeing Representative 

Hi, I’m Lisa and I’m the new Wellbeing Representative. I’m really looking forward to working with this year’s team, and I can’t wait to build up this role to help support our community's mental health here at Waingels.


Jasmine: Equality and Belonging Representative

Hi, I’m Jasmine and I represent Equality and Belonging as part of the Head Team. I can’t wait to bring positive changes to Waingels to make it even better, through the voices of both teachers and students.


Mark- Eco Representative

Hi I’m Mark and I'm proud to be the Eco Representative on the Head Team at Waingels. I’m eager to develop new sustainable ideas working alongside fellow students and teachers.


Izzy- Social Committee

Hi I'm Izzy. I am a Social Commitee Leader and I am looking forward to working closely with everyone and improving the social life at Waingels.


Meghan- Social Committee

Hi, I'm Meghan and I'm one of the Leaders of the Social Committee. I look forward to working with my peers and teachers to make our last years at Waingels as fun and enjoyable as possible.

Spencer Spencer- Social Committee