Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
It can be verbal, physical or psychological. It can happen online or face to face.
(Anti-bullying alliance)
Bullying behaviours are characterised by the following attributes:
- The behaviour is repeated
- The behaviour is intentional
- The person or group who are carrying out the bullying behaviours have more power than the victim or victims of bullying
- The behaviour causes physical or emotional harm for the individual or group who is targeted
Senior Leader in Charge of Anti-bullying Miss S Bellis |
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Anti-bullying Staff Champion Mr C MacKinnon |
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Link Governor to Anti-bullying Ignazio Puzzo |
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Bullying behaviour of any kind is unacceptable. At Waingels the safety, welfare, and well-being of all students and staff is a key priority. We take all incidences of bullying behaviour seriously, and it is our duty as a whole school community to take measures to prevent and tackle any bullying, harassment, or discrimination. We actively promote values of respect and equality, and work to ensure that difference and diversity is celebrated across the whole school community. We want to enable our students to become responsible citizens and prepare them for their adult life. The Waingels’ values reflect those that will be expected of our students by society when they leave school, and enter the world of work or further study.
Because bullying happens in all societies, at all levels, it is important that we make our students knowledgeable about bullying and teach them strategies that enable them to stand up for themselves without resorting to retaliation in any form. Because bullying is in the news and is a form of real anxiety for parents, it is important that we inform parents fully about our approach to dealing with bullying, so that parents are able to distinguish between what is bullying and what is not.
We are committed to improving our school’s approach to tackling bullying behaviours by regularly monitoring, reviewing, and assessing the impact of our preventative measures.
Waingels Anti-bullying Strategy (November 2024)
Our Anti-Bullying Strategy is underpinned by our Behaviour and Attitudes Policy as well as our Anti- Bullying Policy.
Waingels aims to provide a safe, inclusive and rich learning environment where students feel safe and valued, founded on respectful relationships for all. Our core values of Respect and Kindness really link into our aim to be a community school with kind, courteous and considerate citizens who contribute positively to the communities we serve: in school in Woodley and in the world beyond. We expect learning to take place in a climate of mutual RESPECT. We respect and celebrate diversity and difference. We expect students to have respect for staff, other students and themselves and to make healthy and safe choices. We expect all members of our community to be KIND, courteous and considerate. We all belong to a community and work together as a team in a spirit of cooperation, collaboration and support. We also expect our students to take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and their role in respecting others and following in line with any sanctions that may occur.
At Waingels we recognise that bullying happens, and that it could happen here. Bullying behaviours are not acceptable, no matter what form they take and we will address concerns as they arise. The negative impact of bullying can be lifelong as well as impacting on short term outcomes and engagement and attendance.
To help our students understand what bullying behaviours are, why it shouldn’t happen and how to deal with situations of bullying behaviours as they arise, we believe we need to educate our students well. They need to know what the different types of bullying behaviours are and be confident in reporting their concerns to staff and know that their concerns will be heard and acted upon in the most appropriate way. In turn our staff need to know what to do when a student raises a concern and how to report it so that appropriate help and support can be provided to the student.
We also as an organisation need to understand the scale of the problem in our setting, the nature of any bullying behaviours that occur and have in place an agreed approach to dealing with it which is understood by all staff. The approach and steps we take to addressing bullying behaviours as we discover it is contained in our Behaviour and Attitudes and Anti-bullying Policy.
Our strategy to educate pupils about bullying
Our Personal development curriculum provides all students with specific content related to the types and signs of bullying in accordance to their age and stage of development. Dedicated lessons give students opportunities to learn and test out their understanding about behaviours that are unkind and constitute bullying. They are also provided with information about how to report unkind behaviours including bullying to a trusted adult.
Our school also gives students opportunities to gain information about bullying behaviours and for leaders to ensure that conversations about bullying behaviours happen regularly. We do this through:
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Safer Internet Day
- Annual Anti-bullying survey
Once bullying behaviour has been identified. The target of the bullying behaviour is offered support and the perpetrator of the bullying behaviour is offered support to reduce repetition of the behaviour. Our aim is to ensure that the target of the bullying behaviour is happy with any outcomes as a result of the bullying behaviour being reported.
At Waingels we will:
- Have a designated Senior leader who leads on Anti-bullying
- Have a designated member of staff who is the Anti-bullying Champion
- Have a designated Mental Health and Well-being lead
- Recruit Anti-bullying ambassadors/representatives in each year group
- Provide quality assured training for Anti-bullying ambassadors/representatiives
- Have a clear reporting system for students, staff and parents/carers to report incidents of bullying behaviours AntibullyingChampions@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk
- Have a system of clear, fair and consistent responses to incidents of bullying behaviours ensuring a supportive, caring and safe environment for all children and young people.
- We will follow our Anti-bullying process, which includes sanctions and interventions where necessary
- We will educate students when they have been unkind towards others through bullying behaviours using interventions
- Promote Anti-bullying through assemblies, ambassador meetings and student voice
- Work with stakeholders to achieve the Anti-bullying Kite Mark Bronze Award Anti-bullying best practice frameworks | Anti-Bullying Quality Mark (abqm-uk.com)
At Waingels, we…..
Value respect and equality:
We actively promote values of respect and equality, and work to ensure that difference and diversity is celebrated across the whole school community.
Value kindness:
We expect all members of our community to be KIND, courteous and considerate. We all belong to a community and work together as a team in a spirit of cooperation, collaboration and support.
We challenge bullying through education and encourage all members of the Waingels community to recognise bullying, acknowledge it is unacceptable and report it
Listen, reassure and respond:
All students, parents and carers are listened to and influence the strategies and approaches to prevent, report and respond to incidents of bullying behaviours to allow students to learn in a safe, supportive and caring environment.
Actions following a report of bullying made at Waingels