Transition for SEND Students
Waingels recognises the importance of key transition times at set points during a child’s/young person’s educational career. A member of the Senior Leadership Team holds overall responsibility for successful transitions from primary to secondary school and from secondary to post 16 provision. Networks are set up with different schools and post 16 provision to ensure the process is co-ordinated effectively. Special consideration is shown to the transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 provision and transitional arrangements for SEND pupils are identified in Annual Review meetings. The SENDCO contributes to this process in conjunction with other staff. Waingels is committed to support SEND pupils and their families during these transitional times and encourage parents to contact the school with any concerns relating to this.
Our Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 transition includes:
In addition to our outreach programme, Initially Waingels SENDCo will meet with the SENDCo at feeder primary school for ‘information gathering’. Waingels SENDCo will then communicate with parents/carers/student & agree a personalised transition plan. This could include:
- Additional Visits
- School site orientation
- SENDCo attendance to professionals meeting surrounding the child
- Additional opportunity to attend ‘Waingels Ready’ morning to include: tour of school, opportunities for question and answers, meet key staff members and team building activities
- Flexibility surrounding grouping
- Key Worker Meetings
Our Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 transition includes:
- 1:1 options meetings to support pupils in making informed choices
- ASDAN Skills Awards offered for ‘life skill’ development
- Independent Careers Advice
- Pupils with an EHCP are supported by a ‘KS3-KS4 transition plan’
Our Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 transition includes:
- 1:1 careers meetings/ next steps planning
- Sixth Form open evening
- 1:1 meeting with Sixth Form team
- Different Sixth Form pathways
- Pupils with an EHCP are supported by a ‘post 16 transition plan’
- SENDCo to handover with Sixth Form team or local provisions
- Fully supported transition to include transport support, meetings with new provision and orientation visits to new sites
Useful Links
Please click the Local Offer button below to view information on 0-25 year olds with additional needs/ becoming an adult.