Remote Learning
All the information below can be downloaded here in this handy one page document.
Remote Learning
Instructions for Students to take part in an online Teams lessons.
Before you can take part in an online Teams meeting/lesson with your teachers, you and your parents should read the ‘Student Code of Conduct’ Document here.
The instructions here will show you how to setup Teams so your Teacher can communicate with you online. The School’s policy is that you are able to see the teacher, but they are unable to see you.
Independent Learning
Maths | MathsWatch |
Science |
Kerboodle login with your first initial and surname. Institution code is ha0. If you do not know your password, then reset and check your email address. If you have never used it before your username and password are the same. E.g. Sammi Lee Username: slee Password: slee Institution code: ha0 |
English | Bedrock |
Reading | A guide for reading at home including apps and website where you can access fiction and non-fiction can be accessed here. |
Knowledge Organisers – these are on SatchelOne for most subjects. These have an outline of the topics, skills and knowledge that you are learning this half-term.
Curriculum Webpages – these pages have links to the curriculum overview. These include key knowledge and skills, key words, Cultural capital/enrichment opportunities and Recommended Reading.
Key Stage 3 - Click here
Key Stage 4 - Click here
Key Stage 5 - Click here
Using the information and resources available to you to complete one of these activities:
1. Making flashcards- Click here
2. Using knowledge organisers to make quizzes- Click here
3. Creating graphic organisers- Click here
Enrichment Activities
Please click here to view the activities booklet