Foodbank Support
We are excited to become partners with the Woodley Foodbank; providing regular donations. We welcome donations from the list below:
- Baked beans
- Tinned tomatoes
- Teabags
- Tinned spaghetti
- Coffee
- Sugar
- Pasta sauce
- Tinned tuna
- Other tinned fish
- Soup (tinned and packet)
- Tinned meat meals
- Pies (Fray Bentos Meat and vegetable types)
- Tinned fruit
- tinned Custard/Rice
- Long life Juice/squash
- Long Life milk
- Cooking oil
- Tinned vegetables
- Tinned chickpeas/other beans
- Biscuits
- Dry spaghetti
- Dry pasta
- Dry noodles - packet and 'Pot Noodle;
- Dried rice
- Cereals
- Sanitary pads
- Toiletries - Loo roll, soap, shower gels
- Deodorants (Male and female)
- Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
- Any other luxury food items (treats)
*The Foodbank do get asked for baby items (foods & nappies), as well as pet food, so will take them if donated, but they are not a staple item.
**In addition; you can find out more about the most needed items by following the Woodley Foodbank on Social Media here.
All donations can be left at our ‘donation station’ point at the bottom of the Community Zone Stairs.
For families in our community who are struggling we are committed to doing what we can to support you. Please contact on pupilsupport@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk if we are not already aware of your needs. We are often able to support with uniform, equipment and can advise you on how to access the local Foodbanks for additional support.