Sixth Form Bursary
Application & Information for the 16 – 19 Bursary Fund 2024-2025
There are two awards that you can apply for:
- Discretionary Bursary to meet individual needs as outlined in the 16 – 19 Bursary Fund Guide 2024 - 2025
- Bursary for defined vulnerable groups of up to £1200
The 16-19 bursary fund is intended to help students overcome the individual barriers to participation which may be faced, these will vary from student to student depending on a range of factors, for example household income, the distance travelling to/from school and the requirements of your study programme.
Bursary Funds are limited and the school will allocate these funds based on individual need and household income.
All students applying for the 16-19 bursary fund will need to complete the application form and submit the evidence required.
The closing date for all bursary applications is Monday 30th September 2024 and applications received after this date will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
The decision of the school is final and insufficient or incorrect evidence of financial situations will not be accepted and therefore no entitlement will be granted.
The evidence required to qualify for the Discretionary Bursary is summarised below:
Discretionary Bursary, the following evidence is required:
- Gross annual household income, as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs, does not exceed £27,500
Evidence required:
- Latest Tax Credit Award Notice (TCAN) for the young person’s household. This document from HM Revenue & Customs details entitlement to Tax Credits and the total income for the year April 2023 to April 2024
- P60 End of Year Certificate for all adults in the young person’s household who contribute to the household costs. This certificate states the earnings from an employer. It must be for the correct adult(s) and for the correct tax year (to April 2024). The income will be shown as Total for year.
- Self-Assessment Tax Calculation (SA302). This is the equivalent of the P60 for self-employed people. It must be for the correct adult(s) and for the correct Tax Year 2023/2024. The income will be shown as Total for year.
- Universal Credit Award Notices - 3 most recent monthly award statements
- Where the young person’s parent/guardian/carer(s) are in receipt of one of the following:
Evidence Required:
- Income support (3 most recent months as evidence)
- Universal Credit (3 most recent months as evidence)
- Income Based Jobseekers Allowance,
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance,
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Bursary for defined vulnerable groups who meet one of the 4 criteria below and who have a financial need can apply for up to £1200 per year, the following evidence is required
1. Students who are in care or in foster care or a care leaver – refer to the 16-19 Bursary Fund Booklet for further information
Evidence: A statement from the Local Authority confirming the young person’s current or previous looked after status or previous looked after status
2. Students in receipt of Income Support in their own right
Evidence: A copy of their Income Support Award Notice
3. Students in receipt of Universal Credit in their own right
Evidence: A copy of the Universal Credit Award Notice, plus additional documentation to confirm Independent Status eg. 3 most recent tenancy agreement, utility bills, children’s benefit receip
4. Students receiving Employment & Support Allowance & Disability Living Allowance & Personal Independence Payments
Evidence: A copy of the Students Universal Credit or ESA award from DWP (UC claimants will be able to print off details of their award from their journal). Evidence of receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment must also be provided.
All bursary awards are conditional on good attendance (90% or higher) and good behaviour.
For more information on the bursary please see the 16-19 Bursary Fund Guide.
If you believe that you qualify for a bursary, please complete the form below and return it with a copy of the appropriate evidence to Mrs Price, KS5 Learning Manager, PriDPR@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk
Sixth Form Bursary Letter 2024-2025