Curriculum and Staffing
The aim of Waingels Science department is to engage and stimulate scientific thinking amongst our students. We want them to understand the importance of science on a local, national, global and universal scale. We encourage students to develop their investigative skills, to analyse and evaluate logically and apply scientific knowledge and skills to solve problems.
The curriculum is taught theme based spiral curriculum throughout KS3 and 4. Throughout the five years of studying science students will cover different topics in the 10 themes; Forces, Energy, Waves, Electromagnetism, Matter, Reactions, Earth, Organisms, Ecosystems and Genes. This curriculum will help them to develop mastery within each theme by revisiting and building on previous learning before applying their knowledge to more complicated situations at GCSE or Sixth Form Level.
Years 7, 8 and 9
All KS3 students start the academic year with a transition programme that develops their practical and investigative skills to the standard expected for their year. They then practice these skills as they study content throughout the year.
Students then start the theme-based curriculum covering one or two topics from each theme per year.
Within each topic there’s a required assessment completed in class and students will get feedback.
There are extended (3 week) homework projects related to topics taught in class which encourage students to look beyond the in-school curriculum
There will be a formal test twice during the year, one in November and one in the Summer term.
In Year 9 the topics students’ study will start to include some key ideas in preparation for GCSE e.g. the formation of ions. Some in class assessment will begin to introduce exam questions and homework tasks in the second half of the year will include more practice of exam style questions.
Years 10 & 11
Science is compulsory for all students. Students will study either the Separate Science pathway or Trilogy: Combined Science.
Both pathways are demanding and require both detailed knowledge but also the ability to apply this knowledge to new situations and analyse results.
Separate Science leads to three separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Trilogy: Combined Science students study all three sciences but their marks from all three are added together to give a double grade (e.g. 7-6) in Combined Science.
Both pathways allow a full range of grades from 9-1 and both facilitate access to sixth form science courses at Waingels.
Required practical work is carried out in Year 10 and Year 11 and forms part of the final exams. Each topic studied will include required exam questions for assessment as well as end of topic tests.
Homework will largely be practice to embed learning and will progress to include more exam question practice as students approach exams.
A small cohort of students follow a supportive pathway in which they complete the Entry Level Science qualification in Y10 before progressing to GCSE Combined Science in Y11
Combined Science -
Biology -
Chemistry -
Physics -
Entry Level Science -
A weekly science clinic runs throughout the academic year. Students who may find a particular topic a challenge or who would like some additional revision can attend. This is staffed with subject specialists and is an excellent opportunity to have more one to one time with a teacher.
Careers & Future Study
Science opens many opportunities in STEM careers, the number of which is growing at a faster rate than other areas. These are diverse and interesting professions. Students will have some input on STEM careers and we have established links with many organisations who deliver talks to our students about opportunities.
Further support is offered to students applying for further study in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or courses with additional admission criteria. (e.g. Physics Aptitude test)
Sixth Form
Sixth Form Sciences are very popular with many students studying two or more Science subjects. Many of these students then go on to study Science-related degrees or apprenticeships including medicine, chemical engineering, marine biology, physiotherapy, paramedic sciences, nuclear engineering and genetic engineering . We offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities including; visits to universities and industry, visiting guest speakers, sixth form Journal club and mentoring of students
A Level Biology
A level Biology explores and develops your deeper understanding of the Science of living things. It is a mixture of scientific method, problem solving, practical skills and socially relevant content. It is a challenging and well regarded qualification which combines mastery of a large amount of knowledge with the ability to analyse new information and combine this with existing knowledge
BTEC Applied Human Biology Extended Certificate
BTEC Applied Human Biology includes a mixture of examined units on the fundamentals of biochemistry and physiology of the human body with practical assignments, written assignments and the analysis of scientific writing. It is ideal for students who want to continue to study Science in sixth form without 100% exam assessment and students have continued to study subjects in the biomedical field as well as degrees, apprenticeships or jobs related to health.
Chemistry A level
A level Chemistry will allow you to develop your knowledge and understanding of Chemistry, both in a theoretical and practical context. The course is divided into three main components; Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. Alongside the three main components there will be many practical opportunities, leading to a Practical Endorsement Certificate at the end of the two year course. The course is perfect for students who are keen to learn more about the world of Chemistry around them and for those looking to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills.
Physics A level
A level Physics takes you from the motion of everyday objects such as bikes and fairground rides, electrical circuits and gases, to the sub atomic particles that make up atoms. At the other end of the scale we look at the forces that led to the formation of the universe and evidence used to determine its future fate. You will also do plenty of practical work and learn to work precisely and analyse the certainty of data. You will need strong maths skills to succeed on this course and many take an A level in Maths to complement it.
Extra Curricular Opportunities
A weekly science club for Year 7 and 8 students is led by two members of staff. Projects have led to CREST awards and displays at the Big Bang Fair when it has run. We contribute to the schools Triple A programme by supporting a science/technology-based project to solve a problem and present solutions. We have had guest speakers, STEM ambassadors and workshops for different year groups. We celebrate Science week by have a different experimental demo each day with the aim of students experience a “wow” factor and to engage them in activities that are beyond the curriculum.
Subject Leader: Miss E Fellowes-Freeman
Mrs E Biddle- Head of Chemistry
Mr R Bradford
Mrs L Chislett – Assistant Headteacher
Mrs C Dunford- Head of Physics
Dr A Hamilton – 2i/c Science
Mrs K Heaton – Assistant Headteacher
Miss C Irvin
Mr N Johnson – Deputy Headteacher
Mr R Long
Mrs C Morris
Mr S Parma- Head of Biology
Mr P Pole
Mrs K Sewell – Head of KS3 Science
Mr C Young
Knowledge Organisers
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4