Curriculum and Staffing
GCSE Citizenship Studies has the power to motivate and enable young people to become thoughtful,
active citizens. Students gain a deeper knowledge of democracy, government and law, and develop skills to create sustained and reasoned arguments, present various viewpoints and plan practical citizenship actions to benefit society. They will also gain the ability to recognise bias, critically evaluate argument, weigh evidence and look for alternative interpretations and sources of evidence, all of which are essential skills valued by higher education and employers. We create opportunities for students to bring the specification to life and encourage proactive, relevant learning. Citizenship studies investigates how the citizen is enabled by society to play a full and active part and how citizens are empowered to effect change within society. Citizenship understanding develops
through the knowledge of how a society operates and functions and its underlying values.
The overarching theme of the specification we follow is ‘How citizens can try to make a difference’.
Year 7 & 8
Citizenship is not taught in Year 7 & 8.
Year 9
Citizenship is not taught in Year 9.
Year 10 & 11
During the two-year course, students will study three key themes. The first theme, Life in modern Britain, looks at the make-up and dynamics of contemporary society, what it means to be British, as well as the role of the media and the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) role on the world stage. The second theme, Rights and responsibilities, looks at the nature of laws, rights and responsibilities within the UK and has a global aspect due to the nature of international laws, treaties and agreements
by which the UK abides. The third theme, Politics and participation, aims to give the students, through an understanding of the political process, the knowledge and skills necessary to understand how to resolve issues, bring about change, and how the empowered citizen is at the heart of our society. Within these topics, students explore how citizens can try to make a difference.
Students will be examined by end of topic tests and mock exams throughout the two years of GCSE study. Students will receive regular homework tasks building upon content and skills covered in lessons, many of which will be exam questions.
Link to spec - https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/citizenship/specifications/AQA-8100-SP-2016.PDF
Careers & Future Study
GCSE Citizenship prepares students for future careers or further study in a number of ways. It develops skills such as organisation, research, analysis, evaluation, communication and debate. These skills are vital in many areas, such as law, politics, civil service, policing, social work, teaching, business, and many more.
Sixth Form
Students who study GCSE Citizenship may wish to pursue this subject further by studying A Level Politics in the Sixth Form. There are many links between these two subjects and a number of the key issues studied at GCSE are explored in greater depth in A Level Politics.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Citizenship students may wish to develop their skills at Debate Club.
Subject Leader: Ms J Bonney- Head of Social Sciences
Mr J Brown