Student Absence

Leaders' vision to be exceptional, at the heart of the community and where 'better never stops' is kept at the centre of their work- Ofsted 2023 

We ask that all parents/carers notify Waingels of any absence from school.


Absence due to illness

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please follow the guidelines below:

On the first day of absence please contact the school by telephone or email before 8:30am.

Telephone 0118 969 0336- Option 1 and please leave a voicemail or Email:

Please notify the school every day that your child is absent.

Medical evidence will be required for any absence of 3 days or more.

For further guidance and information please use these NHS guidelines


Leave of absence during term time

Please be advised that the Department for Education have advised schools to only authorise leave of absence/holidays in exceptional circumstances, hence Waingels will not approve any absence in term time, except in such circumstances.

Please complete the Leave of Absence Request Form and return it to school at least one month before the requested absence. We will endeavour to respond to your request within 5 working days.

If approved your child will be expected to collect and complete all missed work. Please note that taking your child away during the school term may be detrimental to their educational progress.

Please be aware that if holidays are taken without approval, this information will be passed to our Education Welfare Officer and a penalty notice may be issued without further warning. More details are available on the Wokingham Council website or from the Education Welfare Service,

Links and Documents

Attendance Policy