
Spring Awakening Concert

The Spring Awakening Concert took place on Tuesday 26th March, and it really was a heartfelt way to not only celebrate us students, but also a bitter-sweet goodbye to those who would be leaving the school after so long with Miss Mann, Vocal Club, and the Concert Band. These concerts always evoke a feeling of reassurance and warmth in everyone in the room.

We started off the event with some snacks and drinks as a way for everyone to socialise and interact; and after shaking off nerves, soloists, duettists, and groups performed their pieces. A variety of atmospheres were reflected in the songs chosen, ranging from jovial and lively to timeless and nostalgic. Some even performed their own compositions - it was great to see so much creativity. And for some students, it was their first time ever performing solo in a concert!

My personal favourites were Fix You by Coldplay and Strong by London Grammar performed by the Senior Choir; and as part of Vocal Club, I had so much fun learning these songs! Lower School Choir’s performance All is Found felt ageless, and it was impressive that young Year 7s and Year 8s are so confident and skilled. And, as always, the Concert Band’s pieces are really entertaining to listen to!

It was amazing that so many young students showcased their talents in front of an audience, and it was great to see family and friends so supportive and encouraging as well! Overall, I enjoyed it immensely and it was a beautiful experience.

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