
Best of Luck Year 11

On Wednesday 8th May we said goodbye to our Year 11 students as they left us to begin their exams starting the very next day. The morning consisted of Year 11 attending their Leavers Celebration assembly where we looked back over their 5 years at Waingels, shared goodbye messages from a range of staff, gave out awards as voted for by the year group, and of course plenty of embarrassing photos of their time here at Waingels. We then went through to the canteen where a breakfast was laid on by our canteen staff to allow students to share food with their friends while signing shirts. It was a real pleasure to see the year group together at school one last time, to share their memories and to see the smiles on their faces, along with the odd tear or two. The atmosphere was fantastic, and the cohort did themselves proud. I would like to take this opportunity to wish Year 11 the very best of luck in their exams and I look forward to seeing as many of them as possible at the Prom in July!

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