
Year 12 Team Build at Dinton Pastures

Img 6781On Friday 7th September Year 12 students spent the day team building, at Dinton Pastures. In all honesty I don’t think many people had high expectations of the trip, however by the end of the day I think it was fair to say this assumption was proved wrong. Fortunately for my group the first of three activities was team building games, for this activity our group had to be separated into several smaller groups and much to my relief I had a few of my closest friends with me among several familiar faces, that despite being in the odd lesson with over the past five years, I had never really spoken to. We played various different games, one of which included getting the whole team through a spiderweb type contraption attached to two trees. From having hardly spoken to the majority of my group to helping lift each other several feet in the air certainly broke the ice.

Our second activity was kayaking, having done this before this was the activity I was most looking forward to. I’d say that this was what brought out the competitive spirit the most, as soon we were in our kayaks it seemed to have become an undeclared race to the other side of the lake. It was fair to say that some people were more talented than others when it came to kayaking with many kayaks colliding and the occasional capsize, but all of us demonstrated excellent resilience and got back out there. After an hour or so of ball games and races, it was off to lunch before our final activity, raft building.

Building the raft had seemed easy enough, however once we’d set sail it quickly Ribx2575became apparent that the raft was not going to be as reliable as we’d hoped. We were all struggling to balance ourselves on the raft as it was and matters were not helped when one of the barrels, for whatever reason sprung up in the air, detaching itself from the raft, resulting in a member from my team being thrown into the lake. While this was hilarious ,it did not help in any way our already failing team, in the race that was taking place. Despite the occasional mishap I do believe that the day was enjoyed by everyone, regardless of the outcome of each of the activities.
Jess- Year 12 Student